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  • Do I need to be an elite athlete to attend the camp?
    No, not at all! Tri Camps is not about how fit you are but about having FUN! We aim for you to be fitter at the end compared to when you arrive and we cater for everyone; from people who want to train hard all week to guests who just want to join in the training that they wish to. We can be as hard or as soft as you like!
  • Do I have to do all the sessions ?
    No absolutely not, While we do encourage you to make the most out of your week with us and train as often as possible, if you need a session off thats fine!
  • What if i cant do the session?
    Our "Pro" Coaches will have training options for all skill and fitness levels
  • What is the minimum age to attend
    You need to be 18 to attend an Tri Camps trip.
  • Do i have to organise my own transport to the camp from the airport?
    This varies from camp to camp, however we suggest making your own travel arrangements. If we are able to organise a group transfer you will be notified with plenty of time .
  • Do i have to pay for food?
    All athletes will have FREE access to a buffet breakfast and dinner inclusive of your ticket price. Anything outside of these meals will come at your own expense.
  • Do I have to share a room with other athletes?
    For all camps we book multi bedroom apartments, Every athlete will have their own private bedroom + a communal living space. If you would like to have your own private room please contact Matt directly. (additional fees may apply)
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